You can even follow Scott to the pull-up bar in this workout. The most weight I do is 25, and I use that for a majority of biceps, shoulders, chest but for things like Superman and Rocketman on your stomach you have to use light or no weight. Some of the Gamma workouts require a very similar free weight throughout, but Rip’T Up, at least for me, varies from exercise to exercise. By the end of this workout, you’re not only feeling swole you’re dripping with sweat. This workout starts with a quick warm up and then works everything from back, chest, shoulders (BIG TIME), biceps, triceps, cardio, balance/core–the works. Most of the other workouts have at least an exercise or two that get repeated throughout the 25 minute workout, be it in a burnout section or something of the like, but this one doesn’t. Rip’T up is a unique workout in the T25 family because it doesn’t repeat any of the exercises at any point. It starts with Alpha, then Beta, then Gamma with more to come (hopefully). For those of you unfamiliar, the Gamma phase of T25 is basically the third level. This is probably the hardest workout in the Gamma phase. The Gamma phase is undoubtedly my favorite workout series so far thanks to its inclusion of fast pace and free weights. T25 has changed that perspective.Īfter graduating the program in the early fall, I received the Gamma phase over Christmas and began the 30-day challenge after my bout with P90X3.

I can remember three years ago doing Insanity, thinking there could be nothing harder than that or anything that could top it as far as an effective workout. With most every T25 workouts, you get the burn and sweat pool of even some of the Insanity workouts. It has rapidly become my favorite workout not just for it’s length, but for its difficulty level. What Shaun T has done with Focus T25 is remarkably efficient. Let me just preface this by saying I graduated Insanity, I’ve done the Asylum (parts 1 and 2), and I’ve done every P90X, X2, and X3 workout. It was a rare Wednesday workout for me since I’m not usually home on Hump Day, but I was able to get a workout in and it was crazy.