
Esl modal verbs exercises can
Esl modal verbs exercises can

1141 uses silvialefevre Modals- Can ability The students look at the pictures and say what the different children can and can't do. The first is an oral one where students ask what the different people are good at.

esl modal verbs exercises can

Can / cant - exercises Can - intermediate level Home. 172 uses silvialefevre Modals - Can, can't The worksheet has 2 exercises. Can / cant - present simple exercises elementary and lower intermediate level esl. As he had sorted the files in the morning, he panic when a customer called. repuci Modals-Can A worksheet to practice can.ought to → be expected to/be supposed to/be to|

esl modal verbs exercises can

  • When customers wanted information, he be able to help them immediately.
  • can → be allowed to|could|Nota: como esta oración se refiere a un momento futuro respecto a un momento dado del pasado, hay que usar el condicional (would not be allowed to/could not)| English Grammar Modal Verbs All downloads are in PDF Format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results.
  • Otherwise he work in his department in the future.
  • esl modal verbs exercises can

    must → had to|can → be able to (en este caso también se puede usar could)| useful pages for practising can, could, to be able to for practising am/is/are for practising was/were for practising to be going to for practising to have. Tom tidy his office last month because he find anything anymore. Language analysis worksheet introducing the modals and some of the functions they express.

    Esl modal verbs exercises can