
Blink 182 take off your pants and jacket album zip
Blink 182 take off your pants and jacket album zip

Blink 182 take off your pants and jacket album zip

We've now reached the top four albums, just about any of which could be #1 depending on the day. The fact that TOYPAJ is only their fourth best album, and still an all-time classic of pop punk, speaks to just how unstoppable they truly were.īlink-182 were unstoppable between 19, and their studio output at the time was nearly flawless. It's the lowest-ranking of the four because of some minor setbacks, and most of those setbacks weren't even fully the band's fault. Legend has it that when the band showed the album to their manager, he told them it lacked any real singles (which is kind of ridiculous, considering that while TOYPAJ is ever so slightly darker and more "mature" than Enema, it was still some of the brightest, most sugary pop punk around in 2001).

Blink 182 take off your pants and jacket album zip

The angered Tom and Mark quickly wrote the substance-lacking "First Date" and "Rock Show" (respectively) as something of a "fuck you" to their manager, both of which made the album and indeed became massive singles. Despite the popularity, it's not hard to tell how much those songs do lack in substance compared to the rest of the album. Non-album songs from that session like "Time to Break Up" and "Don't Tell Me That It's Over" are far superior, and far more in line with the rest of the album.

Blink 182 take off your pants and jacket album zip